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The Applied Enzymology Laboratory was established in early 2019 as part of the "SCIENCE" national project. The main requirements for new laboratories were formed at a working meeting with the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation A.M. Medvedev October 25, 2018:

The creation of new laboratories should be aimed at the integrated development of research and development in the field of advanced technologies, improving the system of technological transfer of technologies and ensuring the rapid transition of research results to the stage of practical application.

Thus, the laboratory are aimed at studying enzymes and assessing the prospects for their use in practice. Particular attention is paid to the development of instrumental and methodological base for semi-industrial experiments.

The laboratory actively cooperates with colleagues from other organizations, negotiates with representatives of industry and business in order to build a constructive dialogue on the transfer of technologies from the scientific laboratory to scalable practical applications.


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Waste-free recycling

All over the world crabs are a favorite target of fishers due to their high price. The Kamchatka crab is world famous. In recent decades, the volume of the catch of this crab by Russian fishermen has reached 15,000-20,000 tons per year. More than half of the Kamchatka crab catch is waste. On average, such waste can account for 50% of the catch weight, which is often dumped directly into the sea as production waste. The article link

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Identification of crab hyaluronidase

Hyaluronidases are a family of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a high molecular weight negatively charged polymer, glycosaminoglycan, composed of repeating disaccharide units. Hyaluronidases are used in medicine in combination with other drugs to accelerate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Mammalian hyaluronidases are used in plastic surgery and dermatology. The manuscript of the article is under development.

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Prospects for the use of crab hyaluronidase in medicine

In collaboration with colleagues from other institutes of the Pushchino science city, we were able to demonstrate the structural transformations of hyaluronic acid under the action of enzymes of the king crab hepatopancreas homogenate. Such high-tech methods as atomic force microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance made it possible to observe the destruction of hyaluronic acid at the molecular level. The article link


Group of Experimental Research and Engineering of Oligomeric Structures of the Institute of Protein of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor Timchenko A.A. and Enin G.A. and our laboratory carried out a work to investigate the effect of the king crab hepatopancreas homogenate on hyaluronic acid by atomic force microscopy.

The goals solved by the atomic force microscopy (AFM) method are extremely diverse:

  • identification of microorganisms by their morphology,
  • study of the influence of various substances on the vital activity of cells,
  • visualization and control of the enzyme-substrate complexes formation,
  • control of the size, structure and stability of various nanostructures used for drug delivery,
  • visualization of single biomolecules and much more.

The group has a scanning probe microscope NT-MDT Ntegra Vita (Zelenograd, Russia), which makes it possible to study biological objects in the entire range of sizes of the studied objects - from whole bacteria and cells of various living organisms to individual protein molecules.

Timchenko Alexander Alexandrovich, atim@vega.protres.ru
Web-page: Institute of Protein RAS, Group of Experimental Research and Engineering of Oligomeric Structures

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The scientific and educational center of Moscow State Regional University (MGOU)

The Scientific and Educational Center of MGOU in Pushchino is a structural subdivision of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region of the Moscow State Regional University (MGOU)

The scientific and educational center was created with the aim of
combining the research potential, material and technical, personnel base of the MGOU and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushchino and the Moscow region for carrying out research and development and R&D, providing research, research and production and other services in the areas of biotechnology and biomedicine as part of the implementation of scientific and educational programs of the Moscow region.

Director: Khokhlova Tatiana Ivanovna, ti.khokhlova@mgou.ru
Deputy Director: Kashintsev Andrey Vladimirovich, av.kashincev@mgou.ru
Web-page: REC MGOU in Pushchino

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Laboratory of NMR-investigations of biosystems

The study of proteins that make up the hepatopancreas homogenate of king crab and their enzymatic activity are carried out in close cooperation with the Laboratory of NMR Studies of Biosystems (M.V. Molchanov and the laboratory head V.P. Kutyshenko)

Nowadays, NMR spectroscopy is an important research method in chemistry and biology. One of the areas of NMR spectroscopy is structural studies. NMR spectroscopy allows you to determine the spatial structures of molecules, for example, the structure of proteins. NMR relaxation makes it possible to study the mobility of molecules, to distinguish between individual components of mixtures by their mobility.

The laboratory is equipped with an NMR spectrometer Bruker 600 AVANCE III (Bruker BioSpin, Rheinstetten, Germany).

The main research areas of the Laboratory of NMR-investigations of biosystems are:

  • study of the structure and dynamics of proteins in various states and their interaction with ligands, as well as molecular mechanisms of formation of amyloid nanostructures;
  • analysis of biological fluids and study of the metabolism of animals and humans for the development of methods for the early diagnosis of various pathologies using NMR spectroscopy.

The first results of collaboration are published in the magazine PeerJ

The Laboratory Head: Kutyshenko Viktor Pavlovich - kutyshenko@rambler.ru
Web-page: Laboratory of NMR-investigations of biosystems

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Synthesis of the recombinant red king crab hyaluronidase in expression systems

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme actively used in medicine and cosmetology. Now the laboratory is studying the enzymatic properties of hyaluronidase from the king crab hepatopancreas. In the near future, we plan to start expressing the gene of the studied hyaluronidase in expression systems in order to assess the possibility of obtaining a preparation of this hyaluronidase for the needs of medicine and cosmetology. We will be glad to cooperate with experienced colleagues.

Clinical Studies of the Nutritional Value of Soy Protein Isolate Enzymatic Hydrolyzate

The laboratory staff is developing technological regulations for the production of protein hydrolyzate on a semi-industrial scale. The final product will be tested for safety and efficacy in animal models. In the future, we plan to conduct clinical studies on volunteers. We invite interested parties, doctors and volunteers to cooperate.

Feed additives based on Kamchatka crab processing waste

The laboratory is developing a technology for obtaining a purified preparation of hyaluronidase from the king crab hepatopancreas. One of the options for raw materials is a mixture of crab processing waste (carapace, internal organs, including hepatopancreas). After the enzymes have been extracted, the rest mixture must be turned into another valuable product - for example, animal feed additive. We are looking forward to specialists in this area for creative joint activities.

Laboratory as part of the Core Facilities Center

The laboratory is part of the Center for Collective Use. We have in-demand scientific equipment for conducting biotechnological semi-industrial experiments, work experience and qualified personnel. Works in the Core Facilities Centre are carried out under standard contracts with customers - Russian and/or foreign individuals and/or legal entities. We are glad to collaborate with the any laboratories, third-party research institutes and universities, food and biotechnological enterprises, other legal entities and individuals.


In the current conditions of limited resources (finance, professionals, time), the implementation of scientific projects of a high level of complexity requires the combined efforts of several laboratories and groups.

Common interests, mutually beneficial cooperation, constant exchange of information, and trust in each other are the basis for success. Our laboratory is open for discussion and ready to build working relationships according to the indicated principles of success.

Above are our work plans for the near future. We are pleased to offer mutually beneficial cooperation: co-authorship in publications, implementation of an agreement on research and development, joint implementation of related projects.

Keep in touch!

Contact us

Core Facilities Centre of the FRC "PSCBR of the RAS"
Equipment and services of the Applied Enzymology Sector


Generic services

  • Hollow fiber filtration: soluble/insoluble, cell/cell-free fraction (up to 5 l/run), including at 4-8 °C
  • Concentration of the aqueous solution on hollow fibers (up to 10 l/run), including at 4-8 ◦C
  • Hollow fiber dialysis (up to 5 l/run), including at 4-8 °C
  • Lyophilization: deep freezing (-40 °C), freeze drying (up to 5 liters of water/run), dry substance calculation
  • Homogenization: knife, rotor-stator (up to 4 l/run)
  • Thorough mixing of liquid components, obtaining an emulsion (up to 4 l / run)
  • КControlled temperature incubation with active stirring (10-70 °C, up to 4 l/min)
  • Measurement of proteolytic activity (on the basis of National State Standard 34430-2018)

Integrated services

  • Development of technological procedures for enzymatic protein hydrolysis and other biotechnological procedures

Semi-industrial equipment

  • Homogenizer-mixer ИС-5 ("БиоПищеМаш")
  • Freeze Dryer ЛС-1000 ("Проинтех")
  • Freezer chest SE40-45 ("TEFCOLD")
  • Hollow fiber ultrafiltration module “AP-3-1” (SPC Biotest, Russia) complete with two pumps

Analytical equipment

  • Spectrophotometer UNICO 1201
  • Centrifuge Eppendorf 5782 R and MiniSpin G
  • Solid-state thermostat TT-2 and dry-air thermostat ТВ-20-П3-К
  • Analytical scales Ohaus PX224 and Navigator NVT
  • Automatic pipettes Eppendorf
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Potential users
  • Laboratories of the FRC "PSCBR of the RAS"
  • Third-party research institutes
  • Food and biotechnology companies
  • Other legal entities and individuals
Our contacts

Sector Manager: Doctor, Evgeniy Sogorin


+7 915 132 54 19

Location: Institute of Biological Instrumentation


Tatyana Ponomareva


"Мы пришли в этот мир, чтобы становиться лучше каждый день. Учиться, развиваться, терпеть неудачу и снова подниматься. Большое счастье для меня работать в команде единомышленников. Благодарю, вас, мои друзья!"

Dmitrii Sliadovskii


"Для меня то чем я занимаюсь, это не только очень важные и интересные научные исследования, хитрые задачи, требующие решения и поиск нового. Это ещё и созидание, инвестиция в будущее. Моё будущее и будущее многих других людей, я надеюсь. А ещё наука - это очень круто! Люди в белых халатах, исследующие непознанное, такие же рок-звёзды, как Джимми Хендрикс и Оззи Осборн."

Evgeny Sogorin


"Я отношусь к становлению новой лаборатории как к стартапу - никогда его не делал, но, впечатления, наверное, такие же: уровень неопределенности высокий, велико количество разноплановых задач, процесс организации лаборатории требует новых навыков и умений - каждый день приходится учиться чему-то новому и очень быстро. Сейчас интересное для меня время и я рад, что вокруг меня складывается замечательная команда. Да прибудет с нами fun!"

Sergei Lapaev


Maria Timchenko


"Современный мир каждый день бросает нам вызов, и мы должны достойно отвечать на эти вызовы. Наука дает нам шанс противостоять им и находить решения сложных биологических, медицинских и экологических задач. Химическое образование позволяет мне работать на стыке наук: химии, физики, биологии, медицины, и разрабатывать новые подходы к лечению и диагностике наиболее социально значимых заболеваний. В этом мне помогает и мой любимый вид спорта – ultimate frisbee: вижу цель и должна ее достигнуть".

Alexander Lukhin

Nikita Pozdnyakov


Mikhail Filippov
